Do you find yourself wanting to help the environment but do not know where to start? We know we can help humanity, animals and our planet by reducing our personal carbon footprint with buying local/eating organic, reducing plastic consumption, home composting, using/supporting green energy and transportation ect. However, trying to accomplish this and more can be overwhelming while still leaving you feeling like you want or need to do more.
Well here is an answer! If you want to see positive pro-environmental change locally and nationally follow and support Sierra Club and Keep America Beautiful. You can help save our planet from home by following or becoming a member these groups.
1.) Follow Sierra Club and your local Sierra Club Chapter.
"The Sierra Club is the most enduring and influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States. We amplify the power of our 3.8 million members and supporters to defend everyone’s right to a healthy world."
The Sierra Club lobbies our government for pro-environmental policy locally and nationally. The Sierra Club has chapters in counties around the United States. Our local Florida chapter for Pinellas County is called Suncoast Sierra Club Group. Their Facebook page is a great way to stay informed with environmental policies and activities. But you can also become a member for $25 a year and become more involved or simply keep up better.
Anyway you choose to keep up with the Sierra Club will be beneficial as it will inform you on national and local environmental policies and activities. They often have petitions to sign and ask community members to email and reach out to our local and national government agencies to push pro-environmental policy. This is huge! If we want change to happen we have to start paying attention and pushing our government to consider and protect our environment in policy making.
Our local voices are often times the only ones standing up for environmental health in communities across the US. Now is the time for us to take responsibility. We HAVE THE POWER to create a an environmentally conscious future where we live in harmony with our planet and all whom inhabit it.
I have started volunteering with the Political Committee for our local Suncoast group. Over the last 2 weeks I have had the opportunity to assist with Sierra Club endorsement process for the upcoming Pinellas County elections in August. Im thrilled to have the experience and opportunity of being able to interview the candidates running for Pinellas County Commissioners as part of this endorsement process.
Getting involved with local and national policy and legislature is one of the biggest ways we can help save our planet from home.
There are many different committees and ways to help but at a minimum give Sierra Club a follow and you will be able to help fight for the health of your community, environment and planet from the comfort of your home.
2.) Follow and support Keep America Beautiful and your local county affiliate.
Keep America Beautiful is a non-profit organization that is working to keep the United States clean, green and beautiful. Our local affiliate for Tampa Bay in called Keep Pinellas Beautiful. Check out their mission below:
"Through our Education, Engagement and Empowerment efforts our vision is to create a culture of environmentally responsible citizens within our communities throughout Pinellas County, FL." -
Our 4 focal areas are:
Litter Prevention
Waste Reduction
Beautification & Community Greening
I have been working with Keep Pinellas Beautiful since forming Peaceful Green Warriors in November 2019. They sponsor our Peaceful Green Warrior beach clean ups. There are many ways to get involved with community restoration projects, clean ups, adopt a mile programs and more. Our local Keep Pinellas Beautiful team is a wonderful group of passionate individuals who are trying to change our community and environment for the better.
Keep Pinellas Beautiful has completed 1,141 community projects to date. They form partnerships with schools, businesses, government agencies, and neighborhood organizations to keep our county beautiful and protected.
You can become a member for $15 and help support the cause and our local environment. But again giving Keep America Beautiful and your local affiliate a follow on Facebook and Instagram at a minimum will help you keep up with how to serve your community.
Keep Pinellas Beautiful has some exciting initiative launches that will be coming in July 2020 so stay tuned!
Through our thoughts and actions we have the power to create a more sustainable environmentally friendly future. YOU can help save our environment and create a better world for future generations to come.