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Peaceful Green Warrior Of The Month: July 2020 Dan Greivell- Cleaning Our Planet One Walk At A Time!

Interview with Daniel Greivell

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

I have been an avid beach volleyball player for the last 25 years. I love the outdoors and interacting with people; nature is my playground. I really enjoy learning from others and sharing my knowledge. My biggest mission of the moment is to continue learning from others so that I can improve my own life and the surrounding world. I hope that I can inspire others to improve their lives and the external environment by compassionately listening to one another. 

2. What makes you a Peaceful Green Warrior? 

What makes me a Peaceful Green Warrior is my respect for our environment, whether it be nature, animals or people that make up our world. I try affecting people with environmental wisdom, in turn this helps others figure out their mission when it comes to looking after our environment.. 

3. Our motto is take care of the planet and each other...

a. Why is taking care of the planet important? 

The bottom line is that the planet provides our resources and without it, we do not survive, but nature is much more than just our means of survival. When you do go out into the environment, you go out to see the beauty and cleanse your mind. Earth is a giant magnet, when we go out into the beautiful nature and disconnect from the “street," we recharge our batteries. We recharge that natural electricity and the soul in us which in turn gives us more energy to use effectively in this world. When we connect to the earth, we connect to ourselves. 

b. Why is taking care of each other important? 

We have to give each other love and take care of each other. If we don't do this, we cannot effectively make changes to help better the world. If we only think of ourselves, we cannot progress or understand one another. By loving each other, we pass our intelligence and knowledge onto one another, making a stronger unified community. 

4. What are some Daniel's tips to become a great PGW? 

Live your life with heart. Use your brain to make intelligent choices that affect others in a way you would like to be affected. Be kind and respectful to others and your external environment. Always, in every situation, approach and lead people with kindness. 

5. What is your best PGW story? 

One afternoon I was taking a beautiful nature walk during lunch at Cypress Park. I found a plastic bag and started picking up trash as I was enjoying my lunch break. At one point,  I bent over (not with my legs as I should) and ripped my pants from front to back. After a good laugh, I decided to keep on going, covering the gaping hole in my pants with my shirt as I continued to pick up trash. I have now made it a habit to keep bags with me and I pick up trash every time I am out walking.  I think we all have great power and the ability to inspire one another. One day I was out at Coffee Pot Bayou, and I picked up a water bottle that had been left. A man fishing made a point to thank me for doing so, and told me I inspired him. Well in turn he also inspired me to keep doing what I was doing. 

6. How can others get more involved? 

You can start anywhere. Safely pick up something once a day, if you see something take care of it. Maybe in your house save a little water, electricity, and use less plastic. Educate yourself and spread the word. Watch Ted Talks and documentaries on the environment and see what you can do to help. A lot of people don’t know where to start or what can be done, but it is easy if you put energy in that direction. Every little action stacks up,  and compounds and after repetition, a new habit is formed. This is how we keep our world beautiful.

How can you become the next Peaceful Green Warrior of the month and share your story?

Join our Facebook group "The Peaceful Green Warrior of Tampa Bay" or email us at and show us what you are doing to care for our Earth and your local community.

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